

St Charbel’s College is an independent, coeducational Catholic school established under the auspices of the Lebanese Maronite Order and administered by the Order’s Monks.

Applicants who are accepted pay $575 (non-refundable).

Enrolment applications accepted at other times will be placed on a waiting list.

2026 Enrolments for Kindergarten and Year 7 are now open

2026 Enrolments will close on Friday 11 April 2025

Please either collect an enrolment pack from the Administration Office or click on the ‘enrol now’ button below

Enrolment Application

Enrolment Applications are to be completed online.
Please read the Enrolment Information Guide and ensure you have the following documents available for uploading during the application process

  • Birth Certificate
  • Baptismal Certificate
  • Citizenship Documentation (if applicable)
  • Relevant Family Court Orders (if applicable)
  • Relevant Medical and/or additional needs information (if applicable)
  • Immunisation Certificate
  • Most recent previous school reports and external test results (if applicable)

Enrolment Priorities

St Charbel’s College is an independent, coeducational Catholic school established under the auspices of the Lebanese Maronite Order, and administered by the Order’s Monks. As there is great demand for places at the College, priority will be given to:

  • Maronite Catholic students from the parishes of Punchbowl, Bankstown and Greenacre
  • sons and daughters of ex-students
  • siblings of existing students and ex-students